(BEM modeling)

The building energy modeling (BEM) approach is unique in that it provides for “simulating” the real life of the future building for a year with all the utility systems provided by the project. A principal result is a reliable estimate of the future annual energy consumption of the building during its operation, i.e. building energy efficiency. Therefore, the most optimal set of strategies for improving energy efficiency for a specific object can be found by changing a set of engineering decisions.
Determination of building energy efficiency. Development of strategies for improving energy efficiency, payback period estimate.
Building energy modeling methods are used to determine the amount of energy consumption and electricity costs for any building being designed.
This approach is special in that the energy modeling process takes into account all niceties that may affect the energy consumption of the building and its utility systems. Provision is also made for complex relationships between systems. The resulting pattern is integral and reliable one. The result is deduced separately for each class of customer (for each system), which is convenient for further analysis and decision making.
Building energy modeling (BEM) methods allow to address the following issues:
– Development and selection of strategies for improving building energy efficiency
– Payback period estimate of energy-efficiency measures
– Energy-Efficient HVAC Design testing at the concept and design stage
– Selection of the most suitable energy source rate
– Determination of the annual cost of energy for correct OPEX (operational cost) assessment
Functional testing of designed utility systems of the building throughout the year under normal and extreme weather conditions.
At the design stage, equipment capacities are selected on the basis of the “design” ambient air values that differ from the real values and their variations.
It is the building energy modeling (BEM) that is instrumental in estimating the time intervals when air values in premises will not be maintained at a desired level. This estimate can be conducted both for a statistically average year and for a year with extremely high summer temperatures and extremely low winter temperatures.
With such data, any designer will be able to reasonably decide on the adequacy of the equipment selected.
Determination of the amount of heat entering a building from solar radiation.
It is practically impossible to determine the amount of heat gain into the building with accuracy without the use of modeling, especially for buildings with complex architecture and neighboring shading buildings.
Building energy modeling (BEM) methods take into account all niceties that may affect the heat gain value. These are the building orientation, building location, neighboring shading buildings and self-shading, precise glazing model (including the geometry and solar factor (G-value)), as well as equally important inertance of exterior walls, windows, roof.
The accurate knowledge of such load values will allow not only to select the correct equipment, but also prevent from establishing too high (sometimes many times!!) capacity of the refrigerating unit.
Determination of score obtained by green certification systems (LEED, BREEAM certification, etc.)
Building energy modeling (BEM) has established itself as a leading choice in both LEED and BREEAM certification.
Meeting the requirements of environmental certification systems allows to determine the Energy-Efficient HVAC Design and improve the building energy efficiency. This, in turn, does affect the greenhouse gas emission reduction.