(CFD и BEM моделирование)

This is an integrated simulation aimed at determining the thermal map of Data Center (temperature distribution by volume) and velocity distribution, as well as measuring the performance indicators of the Data Center power consumption and taking the optimal decision on server room cooling
Simulation and Optimization of Airflow in the Data Center Computer Rooms
At the Data Center design stage, taking a sound decision ceases to be a “right or wrong” matter, rather becomes a matter of pure math and computer based simulation of Data Center. Server room simulation, optimization of airflow in computer rooms, analysis of the thermal map of Data Center are an approach that should support any modern Data Center design process.
Server room simulation renders it possible to analyze distribution of temperature and velocity in the false floor, receive temperature values at the inlet of each strut, identify areas of hot air overflow into the cold corridor area, as well as locate “hot” and “cold” points. Simulation of Data Center will be instrumental in working out ways to eliminate the problems found in a timely manner. The development of the thermal map of Data Center will make it possible to analyze the overall picture of server room cooling, understand the life cycle of the computer room.
Simulation of Airflows in the Data Center Mixing Chambers
The use of the potential of outdoor air for server room cooling purposes comes as one of the energy-efficient decisions. With this in mind, mixing chambers for outdoor and return airflows are used to ensure the required temperature of air entering the heat exchanger or directly the computer room.
In this case, a typical problem that must be dealt with is the correct configuration of the mixing chamber.
Failure to configure the chamber correctly will make it impossible to monitor in reality the airflow mixing temperature obtained by the designer using an algebraic formula. Indeed, in winter it is not uncommon when the warm return airflow almost entirely leaves outside, rather than mixing with the outdoor airflow, with excess amount of outdoor airflow entering the mixing chamber. As a result, the temperature of air leaving the mixing chamber appears intolerable for the adequate functioning of the server room cooling system.
The use of CFD&BEM modeling methods in the analysis will be helpful in considering the actual pattern of distribution of airflows in the mixing chamber, as well as in developing a modification of the mixing chamber, if necessary.
Energy Modeling of Data Center and Cost-to-Use Analysis of Energy-Efficiency Measures
The correct evaluation of OPEX (operating expenses) requires determination of the energy expenditure. It depends on multiple factors such as location, work schedule, server room cooling methods, availability of energy-efficient measures, etc. All these factors are taken into account when creating an energy-efficiency model and calculating energy flows.
Energy modeling of Data Center contributes to selecting the most energy-efficient way of server room cooling and coming up with the optimal configuration of air conditioners.
Determining the Performance Indicators of Data Centers (Data Center PUE and equivalent)
In operation, performance indicators of Data Centers (including Data Center PUE) constantly change over time. This is due to the variable work load of servers, changing weather and operating conditions of the Data Center cooling equipment. Energy modeling of Data Center is also instrumental in determining fluctuations in performance indicators, including Data Center PUE, for a year with an hour increment. Any values (maximum, minimum, average) of performance indicators can be derived in the course of energy modeling of Data Center.